Creating the time and space for you to rest, recover and enjoy the beginning of motherhood.
As your Doula I will support you and your family in preparing for the arrival of your new baby and life following the birth.
Once home, I will be there for you, lending a hand, allowing you to rest and savour the precious moments with your new baby. I will listen to you and support your choices. I will offer practical ideas and emotional support, empowering you to find your own way of caring for your baby.
“If we can make the most of this moment, treasure it, knowing that it will never come again, we can enjoy it more fully.”
— Kicki Hansard, Birth Bliss
“A postnatal Doula is like their mother but without the politics.”
— Mars Lord, Abuela Doulas
“Childbirth brings about a series of very dramatic changes in the new mother’s physical being, in her emotional life, in her status within the group, even in her own female identity. I distinguish this period of transition from others by terming it matrescence to emphasize the mother and to focus on her new life style.”
— Dana Raphael, The Tender GIFT: BreastfeedinG (1973)